Friday, July 29, 2011

Well and truly screwed

Wow, it's been a while.
This blog smells funny too, I left a sandwich here after my last post, but that's why God made Lysol.
Anyhoo, we are all completely up shit creek. Again. Or...still, I forget which.
Why? We are bumping our heads on the debt ceiling and Washington wants to do absolutely nothing about it.
That's right kids, it's INTERNET FEAR MONGERING. The best mongering of all.
Everyone knows that as soon as this country defaults, all senior citizens on Social Security will immediately starve to death and government agencies will become independent fiefdoms that only grant building permits, driver's licenses, and supply contracts to wealthy lords and vassals that swear fealty to them. Most frightening of all, every last one of us is going to be enslaved by the Red Chinese. You've seen how they treat their own citizenry, how do you think they are going to treat us?

But seriously folks....this same tired farce has played out time and again. A deadline is set on large policy decision, and both parties posture and stall so that they can paint the other as slow to action and out of touch. Essentially the legislative and executive body are like two naked fat guys fighting in front of childen: everyone watching it knows it's wrong, no one wants to get close enough to do anything about it. Why do we put up with it? Because we are all technology obsessed, internet-absorbed dullards? That argument doesn't wash anymore. Look at what other countries do with their internets, they organize revolts and remove firmly entrenched despots! Sure some people have gotten killed, but how do YOU make omelettes?

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