Friday, June 11, 2010

Please be kidding, news media

This is the end, I say, the END of childhood as any of us know it. This article speaks for itself, but I will rant about it anyway.
Video play dates. Really. Because we aren't raising ENOUGH of a generation of technology obsessed, sunlight deprived, carpal tunnel-having little moppets.
I am not actually raising any of them, but since it takes a village, I feel like I should be able to opine on how the rest of you are rearing your little pork-pot pie shaped children.
The end result of this crap, besides the cell phone tumors and burned cornea's from too much screen gazing, is that we will have children unaware of human interaction, children that fear the outdoors and shun physical activity.
What with the preceding generations lighting the way towards sedentary, corpulent lifestyles, Max Brooks' allegory comparing us to cattle is increasingly apt, both species being "Fat, listless, and ready to be eaten"
Now, that could be by Zombies, as the illustious Mr. Brooks has warned us in his books, or the Canadians, as they migrate south as their own food sources dry up, or more in a figurative sense by the Red Chinese.
Either way, we done.

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